
Razzi guide to MacOS

Enable quitting Finder

Each time I set up a Mac, I want to enable quitting Finder:

$ defaults write com.apple.Finder QuitMenuItem -bool YES

You won’t be able to quit Finder immediately, so kill it manually:

$ killall Finder

It’ll reopen but you can then command+tab over to it and command+q to exit.

Up the keyboard repeat rate

I used to use defaults write to change the key repeat rate, but I found the built-in keyboard settings can do this just fine:

To take nice screenshots like this, hit Cmd+Shift+4 then space to make it window screenshot mode and click on the window.

Install fish shell

I use Homebrew to install fish, but it doesn’t automatically add it to /etc/shells. Here’s the fix:

$ which fish | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
$ chsh -s $(which fish)

There’s more to MacOS: apps I use like Karabiner-Elements and Rectangle, and the Brew package manager. But this is a start!